Gu Yanyun, China
Dr Gu is professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, and physician of National Clinical Center for Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases in China. Dr Gu has focused on the mechanism underlying the gut microbiome in prevention and control of metabolic diseases such as diabetes. She and her group recently have put efforts in elucidating how the responses of gut microbe to the antidiabetic medication contribute to the therapeutic effect, aiming to develop new strategies based on reshaping gut microbiome for managing glycemia and future CVD risks.
She has published >40 peer-reviewed papers in high-level international journals such as Nature Medicine, Nature communications, Microbiome, Diabetes, Diabetologia and Gut microbe during the past five years and the number of citations has totaled >2000. She has received grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Dr. Gu has received ADA travel grants 2009, Servier-New Star Award on Insulin Secretion 2012, and Young Scientist award of Asian Pacific COHDy 2019