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Vesna Dimitrijević Srećković, Serbia

Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders, University Clinical Center of Serbia,
School of Medicine, University of Belgrade

Prof. Vesna DimitrijevićSrećković, MD, PhD, born June 23, 1960 in Belgrade.

She has been actively engaged in the Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders, and is a head of of Nutrition and Metabolic Disorders Prevention Department at the University Clinical Center of Serbia since 2003. She is also the head of the Department for Treatment of Chronic Complications in Diabetes and Nutrition. She specialized Internal Medicine in 1993, and sub-specialized Endocrinology in 2009.

Dr. Dimitrijević-Srećković is renowned for her expertise in developing individually tailored Mediterranean diets and has authored and co-authored numerous studies, with 56 fully published out of a total of 513. Also, she is a co-founder of Serbian Association for the Study of Diabetes.

Dr. Dimitrijević-Srećković was appointed Full Professor of Internal Medicine at the School of Medicine, University of Belgrade in 2016.

She has been a pivotal member of prestigious European projects, including the IMAGE Project, where she led efforts in diabetes prevention through lifestyle interventions. She was also a member of the European DE PLAN for diabetes prevention. She has dedicated herself to addressing critical issues such as nutrition, obesity, pre-metabolic syndrome, metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, diabetes, atherosclerosis, infertility, depression and cancer prevention for more than three decades.

In recognition of her contributions, Dr. Dimitrijević-Srecković received the Hippocrates Prize for the best study (“Increased values of CRP and reduced total antioxidant status in children and adolescents with metabolic syndrome”) at the 10th Meeting of the MGSD in Istanbul in 2007.

She has co-authored several books, including “Fasting: The Way to Life – Christian Fasting as a Method of Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, and Cancer”, “Male Sexual Function and Disorders”, and “The Great Family Advisor for Healthy Eating”. Additionally, she is the sole author of the book “In Honor of Birth and Spiritual Search”.

Session 8 Mediterranean Diet

Chair Role
Co-Chairperson for Session 8 | Diet and Exercise