Shi Lixin, China
Guiqian International General Hospital
•Professor, doctoral supervisor
•Director of Endocrinology Department, Guiqian International General Hospital
•Former Director of Department of Endocrinology, Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University
•Standing Committee and Secretary General of Diabetology Branch of Chinese Medical Association
•Chairman of Youth Committee of Diabetology Branch of Chinese Medical Association
•Head of diabetic neurologic Complications Group
•Member of the Standing Committee of Endocrinology and Metabolism Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association
•Chairman of Endocrinology and Diabetes Branch of Guizhou Medical Association
•Associate editor of Endocrine Reviews, Chinese version
•Editor, Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine
•Editorial Board member, Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
•Editorial Board member, Chinese Journal of Diabetes
•Editorial member of DMRR Magazine
Chairperson in session 7: Diabetes Care